No Man's Sky: How to Find a New Settlement (& Start One) (2024)

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Players will eventually need to learn how to find a new settlement in No Man's Sky and abandon unwanted settlements. No Man's Sky's Frontiers update added the ability for players to start their own settlement and become the Overseer, but the very first settlement that is found isn't something that can be chosen. Too many planets in the universe are filled with harsh environments, and it's very possible that this is the case for the planet your first No Man's Sky settlement is built on.

It's likely that everyone will take the first chance that they can find to become Overseer of a new settlement in No Man's Sky, even if it isn't on the ideal planet. The good news is that become an Overseer isn't a permanent job that's limited to only one settlement per save. Players can find new settlements in No Man's Sky, but if someone is already an Overseer of a different settlement they'll have to abandon their old settlement for the new one. All settlements are procedurally generated, so if someone becomes the Overseer of a new settlement the old one disappears.

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Find a New Settlement in No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky: How to Find a New Settlement (& Start One) (1)

Finding settlements in NMS is almost entirely up to random chance. There isn't a guarantee that every planet will have one, but using a Signal Booster can help pinpoint new settlements on a seemingly hospitable planet. If it's a planet with crazy weather conditions like walls of fire or poisonous cyclones, it's unlikely that any settlement is going to be found by accident. On the contrary, planets that have friendly environmental effects in No Man's Sky are more likely to have a settlement present.

If all else fails and finding a new settlement in NMS is your top priority, head to the Cartographer in any space station or in the Anomaly. Settlement Charts can be purchased for five Navigation Data, and all that needs to be done is to find the follow the chart's guidance to a new settlement. Navigation Data can be found in various buildings on most planets, or even aboard space stations as little orange cubes.

Start a New Settlement in No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky: How to Find a New Settlement (& Start One) (2)

Becoming an Overseer in No Man’s Sky is fairly straightforward but still requires a bit of effort. Once in space, players will receive an emergency broadcast that points them to a settlement on a planet in the current star system. Once players arrive at the settlement, they can talk to someone that resides there. Then Sentinels will attack, and the player will need to fend them off and defend the No Man's Sky settlement. Once players have defeated the Sentinels, they can go to the Settlement Hub Interface and apply to become an Overseer. Once players are in charge of the settlement, they can start growing it by adding new buildings.

Looking to find the best No Man's Sky settlement for you? Check out the video below from Xaine's World which goes over all the different kinds of settlements NMS players have access to:

Unlike ships where Nanites are used to upgrade ranks, No Man's Sky settlements increase their rank with the increases of productivity and settler happiness, and the loss of debt. Starting a new settlement in NMS means all progress will reset. This includes citizen happiness, productivity, and even the production of a new Overseer's office. Furthermore, it's unlikely that any S-Rank settlements can be found. The occasional B-Rank settlement is found if someone searches long enough, but most settlements No Man's Sky players find out in the universe are going to C-Rank. This means that, once players find a settlement they like, it might be best to stick around for a while if they want to get the best rewards available.

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  • No Man's Sky: How to Find a New Settlement (& Start One) (3)
    No Man's Sky

    No Man’s Sky, developed by a small team at Hello Games (Joe Danger), is a massive game for the PlayStation 4 and PC about exploration and survival in an infinite procedurally generated galaxy featuring18 quintillion planets.

    Release Date:

    sean murray
No Man's Sky: How to Find a New Settlement (& Start One) (2024)


No Man's Sky: How to Find a New Settlement (& Start One)? ›

Start things off with the Cartographer that is present on any Space Station. From the NPC, you need to purchase a Settlement Chart using Navigation Chips. That is a type of map made specifically for locating Settlements. In the absence of Navigation Chips/Data, this item can be bought from Galactic Trade Terminals.

How to find a new settlement in No Man's Sky? ›

If all else fails and finding a new settlement in NMS is your top priority, head to the Cartographer in any space station or in the Anomaly. Settlement Charts can be purchased for five Navigation Data, and all that needs to be done is to find the follow the chart's guidance to a new settlement.

Can you have more than 1 settlement in NMS? ›

A player may only be the Overseer for one Settlement at a time. It is possible to have more settlements in different saves, but they will be glitchy. A player can switch to a different Settlement by investing a certain amount of race-specific resource (3 GekNip for Gek) and renouncing their current post.

How do you find a good settlement in NMS? ›

Settlements can spawn on even inhospitably hot or cold planets, but it's best to choose a planet with a temperate atmosphere and as few extreme weather events or storms as possible. Look for Lush planets described as Paradise, Temperate, Verdant, Bountiful, or Flourishing.

Can you have a settlement on a moon in NMS? ›

If you want to specifically choose which planet or moon your settlement will be on, then ignore the quest completely and instead go to the nearest space station. Talk to the cartographer there, and you'll be able to buy a settlement map (it'll cost 5 navigational data).

Can you make settlements better in nms? ›

The decisions that the Overseer has to make directly impact the growth of the Settlement. An early choice that has to be made, for example, is whether or not to construct a Saloon or Marketplace. The Saloon will increase the happiness meter of the settlers, while the Marketplace will increase revenue.

How to trigger autophage nms? ›

The quest should trigger after a warp or two from the hyperdrive, so if the quest doesn't trigger after the first jump, it should trigger after another. Player's settlements should hail them, stating that they are under attack and need help. For Switch players, however, this quest should trigger after 25 warps.

Is there a 3000 limit in NMS? ›

There is also a limit of 16,000 base objects per save and a 3,000 components upload limit per base. Bases which use more than 3,000 parts cannot be uploaded. Racetracks may also be created and shared at a player base. Base building is available to all four Game modes currently offered in No Man's Sky.

What is the max money in NMS? ›

The maximum number of units that a player can accrue is 4,294,967,295 (approx 4.3 billion) (being FFFFFFFF in hexadecimal, thus being an overflow error) after which the number will not rise any further.

What happens if you reset the Atlas NMS? ›

If the player chooses to reset the simulation, they will be given a choice of what kind of galaxy will be created next. The four options are Lush galaxy (green), Harsh galaxy (red), Empty galaxy (blue) and Normal galaxy (teal). They will also gain the title "The Last".

How to start the settlers quest in NMS? ›

Your duty is to defeat seven Corrupted Drone. When all corrupted drone is defeated, you need to talk with a citizen once more time to accept a thanks. After that, you need to go to a Settlement Interface to become this settlement overseer. Then, go to the Construction Terminal to build the Administration Terminal.

What to do if you're stuck in No Man's Sky? ›

What should I do if my character gets stuck or cannot move?
  1. Tap the top-right of the screen to make the Cog button appear.
  2. Tap the Cog button to open the options menu.
  3. Tap the Home button, it should be the leftmost icon in the menu. ...
  4. Tapping the Home button will open a prompt to verify you want to teleport Home.

How to increase settlement nms? ›

By building more residences and accepting new people in the settlement, it is possible to increase its population.

How do you use the settlement map in no mans sky? ›

A map showing the location of a nearby planetary settlement, acquired from the Space Station Cartographer. Select the map and use Plot Route to pin the location in your Exosuit display.

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