How to Respond to Settlement Decisions | Gamer Guides: Yo... (2024)

The decisions you make in relation to Citizen Requests, Citizen Disputes, New Arrivals, and Policy Decisions will influence the way your planetary settlement develops. The choices you make can impact every element of settlement overview stats and settlement features, such as population, happiness, productivity, maintenance cost, and sentinel alert level. As a result it’s important that you make the right choices to ensure that your settlement continues to prosper, especially considering that some of the consequences of your choices aren’t always made clear. The below tables show all the known outcomes for settlement decisions of each type.

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How to Respond to Settlement Decisions in No Man’s Sky

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(1 of 3) You should never be afraid to turn down requests for glorious expeditions if you can’t afford them, or if you don’t want to lose population size in exchange for materials.

Citizen Request Choices

A Grand Day Out

+4 - 5% Happiness and increased settlement debt-2% Happiness, no increase to settlement debt

A Glorious Expedition

Settlers return with items or currency in the form of units or nanites at the cost of -2 Population and increased settlement debtNo impact to overview stats or settlement features

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Citizen Dispute Choices

Contested Ownership

Choice 1 (left option)Choice 2 (right option)
Adds the Hostile spy suspected settlement featureAdds the Hostile spy suspected settlement feature and decreases productivity

Criminal Enterprise

Choice 1 (left option)Choice 2 (right option)
Reduces settlement debtAdds the Enemy spy detected and Atmosphere of suspicion settlement features

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Faulty Goods

Choice 1 (left option)Choice 2 (right option)
Adds the Hostile spy detected settlement featureAdds the Atmosphere of suspicion settlement feature

Relational Difficulties

Choice 1 (left option)Choice 2 (right option)
No impact to overview stats or settlement featuresNo impact to overview stats or settlement features

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New Arrival Choices

A Good Neighbour

Choice 1 (left option)Choice 2 (right option)
Adds a random positive feature if you accept technology, adds valuable material if you accept giftNo impact to overview stats or settlement features

A Mysterious Warning

Choice 1 (left option)Choice 2 (right option)
Adds a Blessed positive feature if you heed the warning, or directly contributes to happiness if you don’t require the feature, also increases settlement debtAdds a Cursed negative feature if you don’t need the warning, also increases maintenance cost

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A Stranger In Need

Choice 1 (left option)Choice 2 (right option)
Increases standing with the alien race associated with your settlement, also increases settlement debtDecreases standing with the alien race associated with your settlement, also adds a Cursed negative settlement feature

An Unexpected Guest

Choice 1 (left option)Choice 2 (right option)
Adds a random positive settlement feature and +1 to population, can also increase or decrease maintenance cost depending on guestNo impact to overview stats or settlement features

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Friendly Business

Choice 1 (left option)Choice 2 (right option)
Adds a random positive settlement feature, also increases settlement debtNo impact to overview stats or settlement features

Policy Decisions

Fiscal Opportunities

There will be a number of Fiscal Opportunities presented in various forms, but all of them relate to whether or not you should tax a specific activity in the settlement. This can range from taxing the consumption of a currently untaxed ingredient, tax a new technological development, or tax a specific leisure activity. It doesn’t matter what the scenario is, since the choices and outcomes are always the same, detailed below.

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TaxDon’t tax
Increased productivity at the cost of -2% citizen happinessDecreased productivity but +2% citizen happiness

Market Regulation

This policy decision is similar to Fiscal Opportunities, in that you’ll have a range of scenarios where specific activities that your settlers have begun to engage in are brought to your attention. The main difference here is that instead of a choice between taxing or not taxing the activity, you’ll have to decide whether or not to ban it. The results of the choices are exactly the same.

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TaxDon’t tax
Increased productivity at the cost of -2% citizen happinessDecreased productivity but +2% citizen happiness

Bettering the Settlement and Improving Our Lives

In addition to Fiscal Opportunities and Market Regulation, you’ll have two other main types of decisions related to the Bettering the Settlement and Improving Our Lives categories. These will always have a positive outcome for the settlement and its settlers, although you will sometimes need to pay an initial one-off fee for the choice to take effect.

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Automated pipe networkReduced maintenance costBettering the Settlement
Fund vital maintenanceReduced maintenance costBettering the Settlement
Fund productivity improvementsIncreased productivityBettering the Settlement
Fund welfare measuresIncreased happinessBettering the Settlement
Inspiring stimulation gasIncreased productivityBettering the Settlement
Research additional facilitiesIncreased productivityImproving Our Lives
Research camouflage measuresDecreased sentinel alert levelImproving Our Lives
Research commercial innovationIncreased productivityImproving Our Lives
Research farming technologyReduced maintenance costImproving Our Lives
Research housing techIncreased populationImproving Our Lives
Research industrial techIncreased productivityImproving Our Lives
Research leisure technologyIncreased happinessImproving Our Lives
Research maintenance techReduced maintenance costImproving Our Lives
Research new industrial unitsReduced maintenance cost / Increased productivityImproving Our Lives
Research public goodsIncreased happinessImproving Our Lives
How to Respond to Settlement Decisions | Gamer Guides: Yo... (2024)


What to do at Settlements No Man's Sky? ›

As overseer of a settlement, you will make key decision[sic], direct the construction of buildings and resolve disputes between citizens. A well-managed settlement will produce plenty of materials - enough that a sucessful overseer may claim surplus resources each day.

How to remove settlement in No Man's Sky? ›

Players can find new settlements in No Man's Sky, but if someone is already an Overseer of a different settlement they'll have to abandon their old settlement for the new one. All settlements are procedurally generated, so if someone becomes the Overseer of a new settlement the old one disappears.

Are all settlements C class NMS? ›

No, you can deefinitely find B-Tier settlements at the least.

How to increase settlement productivity in No Man's Sky? ›

How to get settlement productivity really high?
  1. Add scanner mods to your multitool. ...
  2. Trade goods between systems. ...
  3. As someone mentioned, mine cobalt. ...
  4. Similarly, produce chlorine. ...
  5. Mine valuable minerals (classic example is activated iridium, but true fir others as well).
Sep 18, 2021

How do you make settlements happy in no man's sky? ›

The decisions that the Overseer has to make directly impact the growth of the Settlement. An early choice that has to be made, for example, is whether or not to construct a Saloon or Marketplace. The Saloon will increase the happiness meter of the settlers, while the Marketplace will increase revenue.

How many settlements can you oversee in no man's sky? ›

You can only be overseer of one settlement at a time. If you accept being overseer of another settlement you will lose your previous one. Exactly one per save. One.

What is the max settlement size in no man's sky? ›

All settlements allow you to build another 15 buildings beyond what you see when you arrive. And all settlements can eventually reach a maximum population of 200 settlers. That's about it.

How do you take control of the settlement in no man's sky? ›

How to Claim a Settlement in No Man's Sky Once you land on the settlement planet, you can talk to any of the settlers there. You will soon be attacked by Sentinels, and you will have to defend yourself and the town. After the fight, you can talk to one of the survivors and then go to the Settlement Hub Interface.

Is S class the best in NMS? ›

Summary. All multi-tools and starships have a class, which decides the number of slots and the bonus multiplier they get (C being the worst and S being the best).

How do you get the S class in NMS? ›

Use An Economy Scanner And Find A Space Station

Instead of finding one in a Trading Post, you can try to find No Man's Sky S-class Ships at a Space Station. Here the method is basically the same; the only thing you'll have to do is wait for the ships to land because you can't scan them while they are still in the air.

What's the best economy to sell in no man's sky? ›

In general: Systems with higher Sell modifiers will pay more when you sell Trade Items. Systems with lower Buy modifiers will charge less when you buy Trade Items. Systems with Sell modifiers in the range of +70-80% are optimal for selling your goods (80% being the maximum modifier)

What is the most efficient way to make money in no man's sky? ›

Planet scanning.

For example, scans of rocks can net you 27k, which will multiply for each rock you scan. If a scan of a plant gets you 90k and animals are 120-500K, then a planet full of rocks, plants, and animals will be about 2 - 5 million units. This is the best passive way to make money in No Man's Sky!

What is the max productivity settlement in NMS? ›

Planetary Settlement - Productivity contains a detailed description of the characteristics of the Planetary Settlement's Productivity. per (real life) day, with the maximum being 1,000,000.

Do you get money from settlements in no man's sky? ›

You get somewhat random rewards. With settlemens, when you max them out, you can leave them to their own devices and visit only when you need some cash. That's because they produce something in daily quantities of, say, 100, but the stack is always 999, whatever it is.

How to find the best settlement in NMS? ›

Settlements can spawn on even inhospitably hot or cold planets, but it's best to choose a planet with a temperate atmosphere and as few extreme weather events or storms as possible. Look for Lush planets described as Paradise, Temperate, Verdant, Bountiful, or Flourishing.

How do you get your settlement out of debt in no man's sky? ›

'No Man's Sky' Settlement Guide: How To Eliminate Debt
  1. Settlements will not produce surplus goods while in debt.
  2. Debt cannot be paid off using the player's own money.
  3. Increasing Settlement Productivity is key to removing debt.
Jul 27, 2022

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