Gps Unturned Id (2025)

1. GPS Item ID & Give Commands - Unturned Hub

  • The gps are one of 2 maps in Unturned. They take up 1 inventory slot, are of the epic rarity and weigh 0.475kg. Item ID, 1176. Weight, 0.475kg. Type, Map.

  • The item ID and give commands for the GPS item in Unturned, which is part of the Map category. The gps are one of 2 maps in Unturned. They take up 1 inventory slot, are of the epic rarity and weigh 0.475kg.

2. Unturned Map ID List

  • A complete, updated list of all Unturned map IDs. This category contains two items - the GPS and the Chart. These items are used to help navigate around the ...

  • An updated list of item IDs for all maps in Unturned. This category contains two items - the GPS and the Chart. These items are used to help navigate around the world in Unturned.

3. GPS ID, GFI Code & Spawn Commands - Ark IDs

4. GPS (Map) - Unturned Info

  • The GPS is a spawnable map item in Unturned.

5. ID List | Unturned Bunker Wiki - Fandom

  • GPS (A6 Polaris), 36397, Compass (A6 Polaris), 36398, Chart (A6 Polaris), 36399. Devestator (A6 Polaris), 36400, Devestator Magazine (A6 Polaris), 36401, Sentry ...

  • This article is a database for all identifiable content in Unturned 3. As such, not everything can be spawned in. The page is split between multiple tabs, which allows for finding specific content quicker. An individual tab can be quickly navigated by using the Ctrl+F (or Cmd+F) keyboard shortcut.

6. Unturned Item ID List

  • Unturned Command · Sort by Type · Gun IDs · Vehicle IDs

  • An updated list of all Unturned item IDs, with an instant search feature, item images and copyable give commands.

7. Unturned Item IDs and How to Use Console Commands - BisectHosting

  • 20 jul 2023 · How to Use Console Commands in Unturned. Unturned Item ID List ... GPS: 1176. Beacon. Horde Beacon: 1194. Tanks. Water Tank: 1228; Fuel Tank ...

  • Use an Unturned Item ID List to spawn items into the game without searching for them throughout the game's hazardous maps.

8. Unturned cheat codes: All the best cheats & how to use item IDs

  • 12 apr 2023 · Thrive in the apocylapse with these Unturned cheat codes, console commands, item IDs, legendary items, vehicle IDs and weapon IDs.

  • Thrive in the apocylapse with these Unturned cheat codes!

9. Какой id у карты и Gps в unturned Какой id у карты и ... - Ответы

  • Пользователь Vlad Skim задал вопрос в категории Прочие и получил на него 8 ответов.

  • Пользователь Vlad Skim задал вопрос в категории Прочие и получил на него 8 ответов

10. Unturned Epic Item ID List

  • Epic Unturned Item IDs ; Pizza, 1164 ; GPS, 1176 ; Military Tracer Magazine, 1177 ; High Caliber Military Ammunition Crate, 1192.

  • A list of IDs for all epic items in Unturned.

11. Sort Item IDs by Type - Unturned Hub

  • Item ID List; Sort by Item Type. Sort Item IDs by Type. Each item has been ... This category contains two items - the GPS and the Chart. These items are ...

  • Each item has been placed into a category, based on its type and function. Use this page to navigate to the list for a particular category.

Gps Unturned Id (2025)


Gps Unturned Id? ›

Internal ID: 1036

The Katana is a melee weapon in Unturned.

What is the ID for a Chart in Unturned? ›

Slots1 Slots (1x1)
5 more rows

What is the gold katana ID in Unturned? ›

Internal ID: 1036

The Katana is a melee weapon in Unturned.

What is the ID for a GPS in Unturned? ›

5 more rows

What is the pwd id Unturned? ›

ContextLegendary Ranged Weapon
EquipSecondary: 6 slots (3x2)
13 more rows

How to get maps Unturned? ›

Users can download custom maps for Unturned from the Steam workshop for individual play or install them onto a server. Users can install custom maps using their Mod ID; Mod IDs can be input into an installer on the server, downloading them automatically. 1. Find the Mod ID for the map in the Steam URL.

What are the cheat codes for Unturned? ›

Some popular cheat codes in Unturned include @give, @vehicle, @day, @night, @experience, and @health. These codes give the player items, spawn vehicles, change the time of day, gain experience points, and restore health.

What is the ID for money in Unturned? ›

List of currency items
NameIDCurrency type
$10 Note1052Banknote
$20 Note1053Banknote
$50 Note1054Banknote
$100 Note1055Banknote
3 more rows

What is the strongest weapon in Unturned? ›

#1 - Shadowstalker. It's late-game, and you need a weapon that can decimate large groups of zombies. To get the job done right, travel to Washington's UFO location or inside the Scorpion-7's shooting range for the Shadowstalker. The Shadowstalker is a high-damage railgun that automatically comes with a unique 6x scope.

What is the rarest gun in Unturned? ›

Top 5 rarest firearms
  • Timberwolf.
  • Zubeknakov.
  • Matamorez.
  • Swissgewehr.
  • Uzy.

Why does Unturned look like Roblox? ›

Nelson Sexton's Unturned is not from Roblox but instead was born from his experiences and inspirations from Roblox. To put things straight, Nelson Sexton worked at Roblox for some time and had his game development participation with Battlefield and Deadzone.

Is Unturned 2 free? ›

Unturned II was an upcoming, free-to-play survival game being developed by Smartly Dressed Games.

Is Unturned Life free? ›

Unturned is a partly free to play game by Smartly Dressed Games, a studio consisting solely of Canadian game designer Nelson Sexton.

What is a game ID? ›

The GameID is a unique number assigned to a game to help with troubleshooting and technical support requests. GameID will come in handy when you are reporting an issue or need help with the game. GameID can be viewed in the game Loading screen and Settings screen of the game.

What is the song ID for Unturned? ›

The ID is 1466. The stereo allows users to play music. Other functions on the Boombox allow the player to set the volume of the music, and pause & stop the music at will. The only soundtrack available is the Unturned Theme.

How do you use ID codes in Unturned? ›

Access the console and chat window by pressing the “ENTER” key on your keyboard. Then, type “/give [ITEM ID]” to give your Unturned character the item you want. For example, if you want to give yourself the 1911 weapon should type “/give 97” (without the quotes) into the console.

What is Unturned 2? ›

Unturned II was an upcoming, free-to-play survival game being developed by Smartly Dressed Games. It would have been a sequel to Unturned, and set in a similarly post-apocalyptic world. The game was being developed in Unreal Engine 4, and would have been available on Steam for Windows, Linux, and macOS devices.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.