All about the Daily Ops | Fallout 76 Articles | Nuka Knights (2025)

All about the Daily Ops | Fallout 76 Articles | Nuka Knights (1)


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Note: Latest additions of rewards are marked bold.

The daily operations are a new feature from patch 22, we have already reported about them here at Nuka Knights. These operations are not an event and can beactivated in the map view. There you don't need to travel to a location, just activate the daily operations on the left and join. Before you do that, here is some information and tips.

Daily operations work best as a team. Not because of the opponents, but because the connection points are secured more quickly. There is a multiplier per player, with 4 players a 4x multiplier for the time in which the position is safe. The best way to do this is to choose a public team with the “daily operations” goal. There you will receive more XP when you complete one. (Tip: For all other teams outside of events, "Casual" is the best choice for a team.)

Mode "Decryption"

In decryption mode you have to deactivate three radio interceptors for Vernon Dodge. To do this, you hunt down three enemy code carriers and kill them in order to get special codes that can be used to deactivate the radio interceptors. With each code carrier defeated, the waves of enemies become deadlier. The perception of enemies is not increased, so you can now use your stealth skills, but the enemies are even more dangerous since the standard mutation "Savage Strike" has an armor penetration of 99%.

Mode "Uplink"

In Uplink mode, all you have to do is secure the connection points (i.e. stand close to them) to achieve the operation objectives. It doesn't matter how many enemies you kill. Only the final bosses must be killed to complete the operation.

You should also be prepared to be always “discovered”. So if you have a sneaking sniper or melee fighter, you won't be able to use the sneaking bonus here. The legendary perk “Take one for the Team” is very useful for all builds here.

Every day at 12 a.m. EST, the mode, location, enemies, and enemy mutations change randomly, forming a new daily operation.

Possible Locations are:

  • The Burrows
  • The Burning Mine
  • Valley Galeria
  • Vault 94
  • Vault 96
  • West Tek Research Center
  • Watoga Raider Arena
  • Arktos Pharma Biome Labs
  • Watoga High School
  • Uncanny Caverns
  • Charleston Capitol Gebäude
  • Garrahan Mining Hauptquartier
  • Morgantown High School
  • Foundry (The PITT)
  • Aquarium of the Atlantic (Atlantic City)

Possible Enemy Fractions:

  • Supermutants
  • Bloodeagles
  • Robots
  • Scorched
  • Mothman Cultists
  • Mole Miners
  • Communists
  • Aliens
  • Fanatics
  • Overgrown


  • (Uplink) Piercing Gaze: Enemies have highly improved perception
  • (Decryption) Savage Strike: 99% Armor Penetration, no improved perception

Furthermore Enemies have on of these mutations:

  • Volatile: Enemies explode, when they die.
  • Aktive Camouflage: Enemies will be cloaked when not attacking.
  • Resilient: Enemies can only be killed by a melee attack. (You can use melee weapons, throwing weapons or bash with the stock.)
  • Freezing Touch: Enemy attacks will freeze players, slowing them down considerably if damaged in succession.
  • Giftiges Blut (Toxic): Die Gegner hinterlassen beim Tod eine Giftwolke
  • Group Regeneration (Regenerating): Enemies heal nearby enemies.
  • Swift-Footed: Enemies have increased movement speed.
  • Reflective Skin: Enemies periodically reflect back damage dealt to them.(5 Seconds Interval)
  • Danger Cloud: Enemies periodically release spores that affect the AP regeneration and Max AP of nearby players

Double Mutations:

Only on special announced Events, see calendar.

  • Blistering Cold:
    “Blistering cold" enemies have the freezing touch and swift-footed mutations
  • Chilling Mend:
    “Chilling” enemies have the freezing touch and group regeneration mutations
  • Clouded Toxins:
    “Clouded” enemies have the active camouflage and toxic blood mutations
  • Relentless:
    “Relentless” enemies have resilient and group regeneration mutations
  • Stinging Frost:
    “Stinging” enemies have freezing touch and toxic blood mutations
  • Swift Stalker:
    “Stalking” enemies have the active camouflage and swift-footed mutations
  • Instabile:
    “Instabile” Enemies have Volatile and Swift-footed mutations
  • Vaporous:
    “Vaporous” enemies have volatile and active camouflage mutations

Bonus, when this Double-Mutations are running:

  • Double XP in the Operation
  • Rewards: Double Currencies
  • Rewards: Double legendary Cores

Completition Tiers:

  • Initiate: 16 minutes or less
  • Paladin: 12 minutes or less
  • Elder: 8 minutes or less

This following rewards lists are only available for players level 50+. Players with lower levels will receive weapon and armor plans. See Spreadsheet below.

Rare Rewards:

  • Plan: Scavenged Solar Panel
  • Plan: Sympto-Matic
  • Plan: Super Reactor
  • Recipe: Liquid Courage
  • Plan: The Gutter
  • Plan: Whistle in the Dark
  • Plan: War Glaive
  • Plan: Hellstorm Missile Launcher
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Left Arm
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Right Arm
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Left Leg
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Right Leg
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Chest Piece
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Helmet
  • Plan: Plasma Cutter
  • Swamp Camo Hazmat Suit
  • Plan: Meat Bag Stash Box
  • Plan: X-01 Scorched Paint
  • Plan: Crusader Pistol
  • Plan: Covert Scout Armor Left Arm
  • Plan: Covert Scout Armor Right Arm
  • Plan: Covert Scout Armor Left Leg
  • Plan: Covert Scout Armor Right Leg
  • Plan: Covert Scout Armor Chest Piece
  • Plan: Covert Scout Armor Mask
  • Plan: Unstoppable Monster
  • Plan: Medical Malpractice
  • Plan: Face Breaker
  • Plan: Arctic Marine Armor Helmet
  • Plan: Arctic Marine Torso
  • Plan: Arctic Marine Left Leg
  • Plan: Arctic Marine Left Arm
  • Plan: Arctic Marine Right Leg
  • Plan: Arctic Marine Right Arm
  • Plan: Mechanic's Best Friend
  • Plan: Sole Survivor
  • Plan: Mirelurk King Tube
  • Black Hazmat Suit
  • Skull Lord Blood Eagle Helmet
  • Skull Lord Blood Eagle Suit
  • Plan: Auto Grenade Launcher Blood Eagle Paint
  • Plan: Deep-space Alien Power Armor Arms Paint
  • Plan: Deep-space Alien Power Armor Helmet Paint
  • Plan: Deep-space Alien Power Armor Legs Paint
  • Plan: Deep-space Alien Power Armor Torso Paint
  • Plan: Deep-space Alien Power Armor Jetpack Paint
  • Plan: Alien Backpack
  • Plan: Steel Bust
  • Plan: Foundry Smelter

Uncommon Rewards:

  • Plan: Caged Bulb Lights
  • Plan: Burrows Signs
  • Plan: Valley Galleria Signs
  • Plan: Vault 94 Jumpsuit
  • Plan: Vault 94 Stash Box
  • Plan: Emmet Mountain Disposal Signs
  • Plan: Hello Neon Sign
  • Plan: Open Neon Sign
  • Brotherhood Special Ops Suit
  • Brotherhood Special Ops Mask
  • Plan: Crowd Bench Seats
  • Plan: Poodle Sleeping Bag
  • Plan: Enclave Medallion
  • Plan: BoS Medallion
  • Plan: Science Chalkboards
  • Plan: Asylum Light
  • Plan: Super Mutant Tube
  • Plan: Wendigo Tube
  • Plan: Floater Tubes
  • Plan: Hot Rod Flames Handmade Skin
  • Plan: Flatwoods Monster Tube
  • Plan: Intergalactic Handmade Skin
  • Plan: Brahmin Couch
  • Plan: Cowboy Chaps
  • Plan: Cowboy Duster
  • Plan: Ghoul Chair
  • Plan: Gorilla Chair
  • Plan: Kids Truck Bed
  • Plan: Umbrella Hat
  • Plan: Cowboy Hat
  • Plan: Long Aquarium Signs
  • Plan: Atlantic Emblem
  • Plan: Aquarium Signs

You can also receive 2 Treasury Notes (10% chance), 5-50 Scrip (36% chance), and 25-500 Caps (54%) each time you complete the Elder level.

Important: You can only get the rare rewards once a day. If you complete a Daily Operation in under 8 minutes, there is a 100% chance of receiving one of the rare or uncommon rewards. In this case, the levels Initiate (5% chance), Paladin (10% chance) and Elder (100% chance) are combined. In this case, this means that you can receive a rare reward 3x if the 10% chance and 5% change of the lower ranks also apply.

Tip Contextual Ammunition: During operations you will receive the same ammunition that you use with the equipped weapon. Both as loot from the opponents and at the end (as with the Wendgio Colossus). So when you have defeated the final boss, do not open the report immediately, but first loot the opponents for ammunition and then open the report. Once opened, the report will take you out of the operation once closed.

A detailed list of all rewards with all drop chances can be found below in the data mining sheet.

Sidequest: Breaking Radio Silence

There is also a small sidequest to the daily operations, similar to the colossal problem. To do this, simply go to Watoga and go to the marked location where Initiate Vernon Dodge is waiting for you. After you have completed a daily operation, you can go to Vernon again and complete the side quest. You will then receive another reward for this.


Nuka Knights Datamining & Spreadsheet by Gilpo

Plan: Foundry Smelter

Plan: Steel Bust

Plan: Long Aquarium Signs

Plan: Long Aquarium Signs

Plan: Long Aquarium Signs

Plan: Atlantic Emblem

Plan: Aquarium Signs

Plan: Aquarium Signs

Hot-Rod Handmade

Intergalactic Handmande

Umbrella Hat / Regenschirm Hut

Alien Backpack (Thanks MonaLisa)

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All about the Daily Ops | Fallout 76 Articles | Nuka Knights (2025)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.